Our People


The Archbishop of Canterbury

The Earl of Stockton

Lord Woolf

Baroness Butler-Sloss GBE PC

Lady Dannatt MBE

HM Lord-Lieutenant of Norfolk

Lord Bird MBE

Sir Richard Jewson JP

His Honour Phillip Curl DL

Marylyn Bacon

Tim Bacon

Anthony Isaacs MBE

Deirdre Massey

Peregrine Massey

Jan Pethick

Professor Brian Thorne FBACP

Penelope Treadwell


Henrietta Hughes OBE


Georgia Chataway

Jeremy Brier

Trish Phillips

George Viney

Sanjay Shah

Sarah Scarratt

Vin Diwakar

Executive Board

Gary Yexley

Chief Executive 

Michael Joseph

Director of Finance and Corporate Services

Robyn Bartram

Residential Services Director

Dan Lansley

Business Development Director

Senior Staff

Olivia Parvin

Director of Greenfields House


Dan Weston

Director of Gables

Andy Lamb

  Director of Earthsea House

Harry Lukens

Director of Oakwood House

Rachel Silllis

Director of Merrywood House

Clara King

Head of Fundraising

Bob Beardon

Head of HR

Specialist Clinical Staff

Kim Hardie

Group Organisational Therapist (UKCP Registered)

Barbara O’Reilly

Clinical Consultant (UKCP Registered)

Sarah Jane-Armitage

Group Organisational Therapist (UKCP Registered)

Sophia Condaris

Group Organisational Therapist (UKCP Registered)

Senior Child Psychotherapeutic Counsellors and Child Psychotherapists

Katy Ervine

Child Psychotherapist (UKCP Registered)

Jodi Hutcheson-Wisby

Child Psychotherapist (UKCP Registered)

Naomi Axon

Child Psychotherapist (UKCP Registered)

Gary Yexley

Child Psychotherapeutic Counsellor (UKCP Registered)

Robyn Bartram

Child Psychotherapeutic Counsellor (UKCP Registered)

Rachel Sillis

Child Psychotherapeutic Counsellor (UKCP Registered)

Harry Lukens

Child Psychotherapeutic Counsellor (UKCP Registered)

Andy Lamb

Child Psychotherapeutic Counsellor (UKCP Registered)